When I was about 6 years old, I lived in Chicago with my mom and I began modeling through my teacher Anthony Vaccaro and my stylist Chris Curse. At the age of 8, my mother and I decided it was best to move to LA to help continue my career. At one point there was a time where I was too young to model because of my height. I would have been considered for a teenager role and I looked too young and I was the height of a young adult but since I was a kid, I was too tall to model. During that tough awkward stage I enrolled into Abby Lee Dance Company in Santa Monica, CA. This helped me with modeling way more than I could even imagined, thank you Abby“.
In 2018, I started to become sick with what I know now is Chron's Disease. I had a flare up that caused me to lose a ton of weight including muscle mass, have stomach aches that felt like lava and an abscess the size of a softball in my hip. During this time it was even hard for me to walk but I continued to model because I knew it was my greatest passion in life. Although, for the entire month of February 2020, I was admitted into the Hospital because of the Chron's flare up. I had to undergo a surgical procedure that could’ve risked my entire modeling career but luckily there were no complications and soon after surgery, I was able to go home. Sadly, this was the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, so I had to stay home, recover from my surgery, and healthily gain back the muscle and weight I had once lost. Now I continue my career healthy & positive, along with trying to spread kindness.
Since my recovery I have worked for Benefits Cosmetics, Levi's, Her Universe and few more brands.
The Pandemic has taught me.. we’re all in this together, be safe and take care of yourself inside and out.
- Jordan Leftwich